
X-SAFE Certification

X-SAFE certificazione The X-SAFE certification guarantees that our company is commited to adopt and maintain a system to manage health and safety within the working environment, which meets the guide-lines as oper law and agreements among the social partes.

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UNI ISO 9001:2015
UNI ISO 9001:2015 Certification

​UNI ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFICATION OSVA has achivied relevant international awards thanks to the continuos improvement of the quality system and to the never ending prevention and reduction of waste. The target always being the timely and adeguate satisfaction of the customer requirments.

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IATF 16949:2016
IATF 16949:2016 Certification

OSVA is certificated both IATF and X-SAFE (SAFETY). The synergy between the two system brings to operate in a safe and exciting enviroment for the human resources, as well as in hutual trust with customers, in line with their expectations for quality and transparency.

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Quality and Responsibility

Ethic code, Social responsibility and safety policy

The environmental and social policy of O.S.VA. srl is based on a globally recognized standard. The Global Compact establishes ten principles relating to human rights problems, the labor market, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. Thus the initiative establishes a framework for economic, ecological and social sustainability. O.S.VA. srl supports these points and actively realizes them as part of its activities.

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Vision and mission

“Adapt what you have imagined to what you really are (your identity), take into account your limitations and use them in your favor”. Mission = the path that you decide to take to reach the dream, the Vision. After having understood what his identity is, the person is more aware of his own skills and limits; is aware of the tools in his possession that will allow him to achieve the objectives set.

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Quality Policy

Today the market no longer requires only “Quality Services”, but requires that they are implemented in a Company Quality Management System. A Business System is deemed suitable to provide this guarantee only if its organization meets the requirements defined by internationally recognized standards: the IATF 16949: 2016 standard which establishes the particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001: 2015.

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